I had a great time chatting with Jesse, who is one of the first WHM instructors in America.
Here are some of the fun things we talk about:
8:30 How the WHM improves BJJ
13:00 Quit college went to stunt school
17:59 How to control anxiety
19:58 When Jesse first started
23:52 Our favorite parts of the 10 Week WHM course
26:46 Being a WHM instructor before it was cool
36:16 Barefoot running on concrete
40:50 Revelations we had teaching and teaching online
44:48 Which breathwork we use and Jesse’s new book
49:58 Creating human connections online
51:57 The one-hour horsestance
55:01 The 1000 person workshop in San Jose
59:13 Breathwork for creativity, flow state, and visuals
1:08:02 Doing the WHM at a busy mall
Thanks for having me on, Jesse!